Eye Exams & Insurances
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Routine Eye Exams vs. Medical Eye Exams
Routine eye exams are important to maintain your vision throughout your lifetime. We believe it is important that you are aware of your insurance benefits and how they apply to your visit.
Routine Eye Exams
A routine eye exam is an exam in which there are no medical complaints, symptoms or conditions which affect the eyes. The doctor checks your vision, determines your eyeglass and/or contact lens prescription and screens the eyes for disease. Dr. Jon Noll is currently pending approval for participation with EyeMed, Davis Vision Commercial plans, NVA. Check back for updates on our network status. During the interim we will happily submit to your insurance provider for direct reimbursement to you.
Medical Eye Exams
A medical eye exam is an exam in which you are being evaluated or treated for a medical condition or symptom that you mention or the doctors find during the exam. Examples of a medical diagnosis include but are not limited to: diabetes, dry eye, headaches, floaters, allergies, cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration.
The purpose of your visit will determine which insurance benefit will be used, vision or medical. If we determine that your problem falls under a medical exam instead of a routine vision exam, your visit will be billed to your medical insurance, which will be subject to co-pays and deductibles. You will be informed of the determination during your visit and will have the option to pay out of pocket for your refraction (glasses/contact lens prescription) or schedule a return visit, using your vision insurance.
Eyewear & Contact Lenses
We have applied for participation to direct bill your eyewear and contact lenses for EyeMed, Davis Vision Commercial plans and NVA. During the interim, we are more than happy to fill out and submit the necessary forms to your vision insurance provider for direct reimbursement to you.
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